

if you haven't already noticed, we love living here. there's just something about living on an island covered in endless amounts of lush green rainforest surrounded by ocean water and breathing in salty air that resonates with your soul, ya know? we just feel so in our element here. the alaska life, man. it's the life for us. every week we only get one day off, so you better believe that our day off gets jam packed with every exciting alaskan activity that we can squeeze in. on this particular day, we went on a zip lining tour that was made up of 10 or so different zip lines through the rainforest! the whole thing was so cool, we would zip from one tree to the next, and land on a wooden platform, and on to the next zipline, and so on. the platforms were high enough that we could see the view of the foggy ocean and surrounding islands through the trees, and even went over a river where bears are sometimes feeding on salmon! i'm telling ya, this place is unreal. after zip lining we wandered over to totem bight state park. something cool about ketchikan, is that there are still a lot of natives that live here, so with that, comes a lot of native culture and history. there are totems scattered all throughout ketchikan, but this specific park has the biggest collection of them. we had the whole place to ourselves since all the cruise ships were gone for the day and it was a bit rainy. it's the prettiest when it rains. so we don't mind being outside in it ;)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! This looks so fun! Someday I will go there and have fun adventures like you guys! :)
